Are you busy? Because this article has got out of hand, just counted—it's 5,000 words. Isn't that like a book or something? And it includes stories about my enchanted homeland of New …
On Living, Dying, and Your Magnificent Wholeness
Have you ever looked at a forest and noticed how perfect it all is? How all the plants naturally fit together. Some are big, others are scraggly; some are dead, others are young. Some grow slowly …
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5 Tips For Genuine Contentment That Fly in the Face of the Positivity Movement (Pt 2)
Did you read it? Part One, I mean. If you haven't, you might want to take a few moments to look now. But it doesn't matter if you don't. Even though I think you'll enjoy it. See how bossy I'm not …
The Positivity Hoax: How the Science of Happiness Got it Wrong (Pt 1)
Ever wanted to punch a positivity junkie in the head? Me neither. That would be mean. But I can see why you might be tempted. In 2000, the American Psychologist, devoted its millennial issue to …
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