Today is my 40th Birthday. Yep.
And since birthday’s with a zeros on the end don’t come around every day, and since it’s been quite a year all round, what with falling in love, getting married, moving to the other side of the world, writing ‘7 Secrets‘ …
Anyway, in honor of all that, I’ve decided it’s time to do something I’ve never done before.
“Oh wow, you mean like Sky diving”
Well, no. What I am referring to is … telling people it’s my birthday, like I’m telling you.
A normal birthday for me is to unplug the phone and sneak off by myself for the day.
And when it comes to throwing a party, jeeps. I think I’ve thrown myself one birthday party. It was for my 21st and I only did it because everyone told me I had to, which of course I didn’t. I probably ended up in tears.
And it’s not like I don’t like parties, on any other occasion I’m told I throw quite the joyous celebration. Just not on my birthday.
Why oh why do I have ‘birthday issues’?
I don’t know. It’s nothing to do with the age thing. Nope, getting older is cool. But you know what, while I could take a pretty good guess to the reason – I’ve decided -who cares why!!
In the name of doing things that scare me – even when it’s a seemingly small thing that most people appear to do with ease – I want to tell you it’s my birthday!!
There. Done. Doesn’t seem so scary.
And Happy Birthday to Janet who also has a birthday today; Happy Birthday to all the Sagittarians, and Happy Birthday to everyone who feels uncomfortable celebrating their birthday, for whatever reason!
Love me.
Happy Day lovely lady. You have shared wonderful sweet ideas for healing and now today is your day to bask in the knowledge of how you have enriched so many with your generosity and warmth. Hugs to you
Well that’s just the loveliest comment – thank you so much Iana! Really kind words. Hugs back at you! XX Lisa
It’s a little late in the day for birthday greetings but know that I wish you love and light all the days of your life! You give so much! Thank you and Belated Happy Birthday!!!
Thank you sweet Isabel. What a lovely birthday message – is much appreciated. And thank you for saying hi too. You know, writing and teaching this ‘stuff’ is the greatest pleasure for me, especially when I hear that people find it useful. So thank you:) Really is a joy. Best wishes, Lisa XX