So you go on holiday
you take a pile of books
some sudoku crosswords
and there are the
18 hands of Scrabble you’ve got going
on your IPhone.
You’re going to laze around and do nothing
Yeah. This is one kind of doing nothing.
just not the doing nothing I talk about
The doing nothing I talk about
involves not doing any of this.
None of it.
The first time I decided to do nothing
some people said to me how it was bad for my brain
that my mind would get lazy.
But since I’d been doing it for a few weeks
by then I just laughed my head off
like this
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Love the sound of your laughter, Lisa! That doing nothing stuff must really be working :). I think you’re onto something BIG!
Thanks Jeannie!
And inspired by your creativity circle on Wednesday evening I have decided to dedicate today to ignoring ‘my list of things to do’ list and instead do what in the heck I feel moved to do. Which as it happens right now is sit on the sofa with a cup of tea. (I’ve been doing list type stuff all week and my right brain is starting to freak out from lack of play time!)
Aah, balance 🙂