Just spent two hours in a cafe on Windward reading Bukowski and writing a poem about reading Bukowski. The picture above is from yesterday, when I wasn't feeling so Bukowski. …
I’m So Brainy As My Shirt, So Brainy As My …
Who’s Going To Tell The Sun?
The Good and Bad News About Spiritual Enlightenment …
A Monkey and Me, Santa Monica, California
Some people protest with placards ... me, I go home and write a sternly worded poem. This post is dedicated to monkeys being made to look like monkey's on 3rd Street Promenade, Santa Monica, …
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Never In the History of Everything
As you know, I've been traveling - which can make it difficult to paint large colorful poems. This is why I've been having fun posting poems living in the back of my car at home. That was until …
I Am …
Silence and Such
How to Make Your Business Cards Stand Out
These little things have turned out to be the best little business cards ever. With people signing up for my newsletter then emailing me to say hi and how much they enjoy my website (thank …
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Ain’t this little piece of wisdom so the truth!
I heard this recently - David Neagle says it a lot, and I don't know if it's his saying or if it's been said for years down the ages but I really love it :) …
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