I received this question the other day: "How do I stop my 'monkey mind', i.e., incessant thinking & chatter inside my head?" First thing ... Do NOT worry about the fact that you have a …
How to Stop Procrastinating and Take A Leap Even When You’re Scared
In our household, we have a name for that thing you do when you walk right up to the next step you know you need to take, and then, you do something else first. We call it - "A trip to the …
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How to Have Great Ideas
Want to know how to solve a problem and open yourself up to some brilliant solution, that's perfect for you—maybe something no one has ever thought of? I used to study science. A lot of science. …
Ah, And What Exactly is Life All About?
Before I left dear old New Zealand the other day, I met a dear friend for dinner. And we got to talking about just what is the point to all of this. Which is big stuff - and made for a cracking …
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Glory Be Confusion
I'd forgotten this little nugget until recently, when I remembered it again. Forgotten. Remembered. Forgotten. Remembered. Here's to being confused when you're confused, and not confused, when …
The Real ‘Not Usually Spoken About’ Deal on Forgiveness
Here's how people usually teach forgiveness: They start by telling you to go get a piece of paper or an entire legal pad, depending on how pissed-off at everyone you are. Then they say, sit …
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